Last updated:Thursday, 15-Nov-2007 07:16:39 JST

Alexei Sultanov What's New

I put some of the information about Alexei Sultanov. Please understand that this is not an official news. I will do my best to collect the information and share it. If you have any news about Sultanov, please let me know. Any kind of information is greatly appreciated.

I got a e-mail from Dace and I would like to share it.
At first, she wants to know a lot of stories and memories of him from us. So, please write those memories on his guestbook, or send those memories to Dace. Alexei used to love to be talked about himself. Thank you for all of your corporation.
She is now planning to create Alexei Sultanov fountain someplace in Fort Worth, the city Alexei lived and loved. At the fountain, Alexei's music is playing all the time. So it is highly appreciated to help Dace to realize this plan.
Dace and Alexei used to talk about their last wishes and they wanted to spread their ashes over the ocean. So, they will fly to the ocean and spread his ashes to the ocean to make his wishes true on the coming Alexei's birthday, August 7th.
There was a memorial ceremony for Alexei Sultanov on July 5, 2005 at at the auditorium of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. A lot of people had attended this ceremony. You can read about this ceremony on Star-Telegram's article.

Regrettably, I have to report you that the great pianist Alexei Sultanov has passed away on June 30, 2005 at age 35. A celebration of Alexei Sultanov's life will be held at 5 p.m. July 5, 2005 at the auditorium of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, 3200 Darnell Street, Fort Worth. You can check the place in the Modern Art Museum's web site.

You can get these information on Star-Telegram and DallasNews.
You can also download a PDF file of Star-Telegram in this week.
Alexei's official page has been updated. Please take a look at Medical Update.
You can see the TV program of their getting American citizens on-line. First of all access to the following URL. You can see his recent condition, and also see their 3-hands performance on Chipin's Nocturne(op.27-2).
Their latest news are as follows.
Last Christmas Eve, they had a went to the hospital where Alexei was a patient in 2003, and in the neuro intensive care unit they played the Christmas songs and other ones for the critically ill patients, their families and nurses.
24th Jan. of 2005, they went to a church of their friend, Bevely, and played. They got standing ovation after the Ave Maria by Schubert.
On the next week, they were invited from the local college to have a performance. They took their keybord, cello and we also played on their piano too. Dace said that Liszt Consolation or Chopin's Nocturne and Mazurkas sounds better on the real piano than on the keybord.
The great news that Alexei and Dace Sultanov become an American citizen, now officially published at Alexei's official page. Please take a look at this fabulous news and let us send our heartfelt congraturation!
Alexei and Dace Sultanov become an American citizen. They played "America the Beautiful" together. They are very happy and excited.
Alexei's official page will soon be updated to report this great news. Watch it carefully!
Below is the URL link I found on the web about this news.
I heard some recent news of Alexei from Mrs.Sultanov.
Alexei and his wife, Dace went to Texas Gulf Coast city of Galveston. This beach resort is very good for Alexei's health and his allergies goes away by the ocean with the salty fresh air. Because of this, they think they should try to go to the coast as offten as possible.
Anyway, he is fine and we should continuously support them!
I heard some recent news of Alexei from Mrs.Sultanov.
Alexei is doing good these days. He is working hard at the therapies, riding the horse, going swimming. And he is also enjoying playing the piano accompanying of his wife's cello. They are playing the pieces of Chopin Nocturnes, Mazurkas, Walzes, some Liszt Mozart. Mrs.Sultanov also tries to play the left part of 4hand pieces for some Jazz.(Actually, 3-hands pieces). This is a great news for us that Alexei is enjoying playing the piano again!
It is highly appreciated to arrange some beautiful pieces into 3 hands piece, or cello and the piano for right hand. If those of who read this page have a talent of musical arrangement, please have a try and send it to Mr and Mrs Sultanov.
In the updated "medical update", we can see that one of Alexei's favorite artist is Ella Fitzgerald. I had an interest on this and asked Dace about his other favorite artists. She kindly gave me an answer that his favorite artist are the followings. Most of them are jazz groups or R&B groups. Alexei previously mentioned in "Here to make music" that he liked any kind of music and we can now see them.
Let us try to listen to those great artists and get closer to Alexei's respectable music talent.
Alexei's official page has been updated and we can read about his recent condition and others. Please check the "medical updates". There are also photo paintings of Barbara Barrett. It reports that Alexei started to play the piano again with his right hand. Great News!
VAI(Video Artist International) released a DVD of his performance at the 8th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. This is actually a well-known video "Here to make music" which we could order from Van Cliburn Foundation. According to the comment in the web page of VAI, there are another audio only performances in this DVD. You can see a stream play of this DVD. Let's purchase it and remember how great he is!
You can access to this web page at the following address.
As the top page shows, Libby Tilton, one of the kindest friend of Sultanov who is a distributor of noni juice kindly offered that she will make the donation back to them for purchases of the juice.
You can order noni juice at the following address or call the 800# 1-800-445-2969 and use her id number 1552045.
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